Today Asher turned 3 years old! We never imaged we would be spending his birthday in the hospital, but he really made the best of it thanks to a wonderful support network. He received lots of gifts and cards (including about 100 e-cards). A friend from my local mom network even made him a special Super Asher cake. It was beautiful and delicious! Asher was thrilled that Charlotte was able to join us today for the festivities and also got a visit from a very special friend, Mr. Red Legs. Needless to say, he passed out at about 5:30 only to wake up at 8pm to eat a bag of mini muffins and go back to sleep.
Asher’s official diagnosis was revealed today as Acute Lymphoblastic Lymphoma. It falls in the same category as Leukemia and will be treated in the same fashion as well. We will be in the hospital for his initial phase of therapy until December 1st. At that point, he should be in remission. I wish that meant he was done, but his intensive treatment will continue for the next 6 months and then will follow with approximately 2 ½ more years of maintenance outpatient therapy.
We cannot thank everyone enough for the outpouring of support. I can’t even begin to list the amount of help we have received; it’s nothing short of amazing.
We still have a long way to go, but we know Asher can do it.
Tasting the cake
Look at this cake!!! Thank you Amanda. Can you tell where Charlotte and Asher were tasting?
Thanks again to Amanda for the capes, Charlotte loved hers and so did Asher.
"I'm three!"
These pictures bring so much joy to my heart! What a spectacular little boy you have and such a loving sister! I'm so glad Charlotte was able to join and Asher was able to really enjoy his birthday!! You all are in my thoughts and prayers every day and I'm so glad you are in many others thoughts and prayers as well. Great writing! :)