Tuesday, February 25, 2014

4 Day Stay

Yesterday we arrived at CCHMC at 6:30am for Asher's lumbar puncture procedure and then to be admitted for the next 4 days. The whole day went so smoothly I could hardly believe it. Usually everything runs on hospital time...which means it takes forever. Getting an inpatient room can be a struggle because they are always crowded and you basically have to wait for another patient to be discharged. Last time we waiting until 7pm! Thank you, thank you, yesterday we were in our room by 10:30am AND we got a room on A5 Central which is the nicest area an has lots of fun things for Asher to do.

Asher started high dose methotrexate yesterday afternoon and it has to run through his central line for 24 hours. As of this moment we are almost to the 24 hour mark. It's a lovely shade of yellow and pretty much looks like he is dragging around a bag of Mountain Dew. Now, the trick is to get his body to clear it out quickly so we can go home. He is on constant fluids and they will test his urine until it comes back clear and then we will be on our way. It may take until tomorrow, or we could be here until Thursday. I like to think he will be an overachiever and get us out tomorrow, but we'll see. For now he is in a good mood and having fun making trips to the play room. Last night he was THRILLED to have Dady in the playroom to play Mario with him. He also painted a few crafts. Tonight we will get a visit from Charlotte and I am sure they will both find something fun to do.

Oh, and an interesting little fact. Yesterday started the countdown to his very final treatment. He will begin less intensive treatment this summer but everything will be done 2 years from yesterday. So, mark your calendars...Asher will DONE on February 24th, 2016. Yay!

Thank you for all the prayers and keep it up. They are working!

Playroom time! IMG_0316_1 IMG_0318_1

That big IV pole doesn't slow him down much IMG_0322_1 IMG_0323_1 IMG_0328_1

Riding through the halls with Daddy IMG_0334_1 IMG_0337_1

Finally asleep with his best buddy Asher Bear <3 IMG_0341_1bw

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Thank you for the prayers!

I need to start by thanking everyone for the continued prayers. I am amazed and a little shocked to share that Asher had NO PAIN after getting his last dose of Vincristine (the yucky chemo drug that previously caused the leg pain). He was dosed with it Monday of last week and I watched him closely for limping and asked him how he felt. With each passing day I was more and more confident that he was going to be fine. BUT, we need to keep praying because he got more of this chemo today and he will get lots more in the coming weeks. I would love nothing more than to see him remain pain free. He has been a little tired, taking some long afternoon naps and we had one vomiting episode (I think because he didn't get his nausea meds fast enough before breakfast one day. 90% of the time he is a crazy, active 3 year old.

This Sunday we will do home health labs and find out if his numbers are okay to move to his next phase of therapy called Delayed Intensification. Sounds fun, right? It will require a few 4 day stays in the hospital but I am pretty sure he will be getting drugs that he has already had before just at higher doses? I need to ask a few more questions. In any case, if he checks out okay on Sunday we will be inpatient Mon-Thurs. Wish us luck!!

Here are a few pictures from the last week.

Killing time at Asher's clinic visit IMG_9024

Benadryl nap


Reading <3

IMG_9033 IMG_9035 IMG_9045 IMG_9047 IMG_9048 IMG_9053 IMG_9066

Doing his mouth washes, AKA "squishers", from shot glasses.... IMG_9069 IMG_9070 IMG_9071